
LILLIAN CROOK: WildDakotaWoman — My Knoepfla Recipe

Saute chopped onions (until the onions are soft) and shredded carrots in a little butter. Add small pieces of chicken. Cook a bit, but don’t overcook. Add chicken broth. (I prefer Penzey’s concentrated chicken broth.) Simmer. Add a dash of lemon juice, a few grinds of pepper, parsley and a little bit of tomato paste (for umami). Maybe a little …


CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — White Bean, Kale and Sausage Soup

It would be hard for me to point out one vegetable as my favorite. Of course, the tomato rates right up, even though technically it’s a fruit. And I can’t forget cabbage, which is great just about anyway it’s prepared.  Then there are onions. Who can cook without them? But there is one vegetable that’s climbing the ladder quickly, and …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Cabbage Sauerkraut Soup

The combination of cabbage and sauerkraut might seem like a cruciferous overkill to some, but to those who are aficionados of superfoods, that would be right up their alley. The following soup recipe has both cabbage and sauerkraut, as well as several other vegetables including carrots, potatoes and tomatoes, some of my favorites. So when I spotted it on the …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Cabbage Roll Soup

Some people say too much cabbage can be bad for your health. It’s true, eating cabbage in excess can result in abdominal discomfort, diarrhea and flatulence, but the benefits strongly outweigh the health risks. Cabbage is highly nutritious vegetable, rich in vitamins C and K, fiber and potassium and may help with heart and digestive health. Studies show those who …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Sausage Potato Soup

There’s something very special about vegetables straight from the garden that just can’t be replicated by supermarket fare. If you’ve ever eaten a tomato from the store know what I mean. Many of those are shipped before they are ripe and taste nothing like one from your garden or the farmers market. That’s why I so love this time of …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Harvest Vegetable Soup

A seemingly endless winter is always a good occasion to make soup. And if you have a pantry and freezer full of goodies from this past summer’s garden, all the better. I came across a soup recipe recently that did not require me to go to the supermarket. I had all the ingredients on hand and only a few tweaks …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Ham And Bean Soup With Kale

Cold weather is always a great time for soup. It’s a good way to warm up if you’ve been outdoors shoveling the sidewalk after a snowfall or on a walk with the dog. One kind that’s caught our fancy recently has been a version of ham and bean soup, which I’ve been enjoying since childhood. (It was one of my …

LILLIAN CROOK: WildDakotaWoman — Jill Fuglie Powers’ Knoephla Recipe

(Posted with the permission of my sister-in-law, Jill, a mostly Norwegian North Dakotan.) No recipe. Hutterite chicken first and foremost. Cook for hours to create chicken stock. Remove chicken. Add chopped celery, onion and carrots. I then add cubes of raw potatoes … then cream. Lots of it. After the potatoes have cooked. Mix knoephla noodle recipe as follows: 6 …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Tomato Chicken Rice Soup

Another day, another blizzard and below-zero wind chills. That’s the way it’s been this winter. So, there’s no better place to be than in the warmth of the kitchen, where you can create something that will make you forget about the weather, albeit for the time being. And nothing says warm and fuzzy better than a pot of soup. This …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Chicken Wild Rice Soup

Nothing beats down the cold weather better than a bowl of hot soup, which is the perfect remedy for the subzero temperatures and wind chill that have held this part of the Midwest captive for the past week or two. A good choice always is wild rice soup, which can be made a number of ways. My favorite is one …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Chicken Vegetable Soup

Most recipes usually serve four people at the minimum and often are meant for eight. So that means if you are cooking for two, be prepared for a lot of leftovers. That’s the case with preparing an entire chicken. Whether the bird is cut up for frying or left whole for roasting, if you’re only serving two, there is going …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Buttercup Vegetable Soup

Squash has been around quite a while, dating back 10,000 years to Mexico and Central America. Along with beans and corn — collectively known as the “Three Sisters” — squash has long been the center of Native American agriculture and culinary traditions. (The name squash comes from the Native American word askutasquash, which means uncooked or eaten raw.) It didn’t take …

TONY J BENDER: That’s Life — How About Something Light?

If you’re like me, you stock up on sale items. It’s good habit to have. So, even before the pandemic and social distancing, I’ve had a full pantry. The novelty of Schwann’s offerings, as good as they are, has worn off, and I wanted to make something hearty and healthy. So “Whatever is in the Pantry Vegetable Soup,” it is. …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Turkey Noodle Vegetable Soup

Leftovers are usually a given when you host Thanksgiving Day dinner, even if everyone eats too much. There is always some leftover stuffing, squash, scalloped corn and the like besides the star of your feast — the turkey. Even if you sit down for a slice or two of turkey on a bun(s) around suppertime, there often is plenty of …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Chicken Gumbo Soup

Okra isn’t a vegetable kids who grew up in northern Minnesota would hear much about in their formative years. In fact, many of them probably never had an inkling about the flowering plant in the mallow family. I can attest to that. My first exposure to the plant known in many English-speaking countries as ladies’ fingers or ochro was probably in the …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Chicken And Rice Soup

Dietary fiber is essential for healthy living. Found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, dietary fiber offers a variety of health benefits. They include relief from constipation; lowering the risk of diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer; lowering cholesterol levels; and helping to maintain a healthy weight. Most healthy eating plans such as the U.S. Department of …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Black Bean Vegetable Soup

Beans and legumes rank near the top of the list among the most nutritious vegetables. Most professional agree that they are a key food group for helping prevent disease and for optimizing health, particularly in the areas of cardiovascular and blood sugar problems, including Type 2 diabetes. That fact is borne out in the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans developed by …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Dad’s Vegetable Beef Soup

Winter is the perfect time to make soup. I won’t argue with that, although soup during any season with fine with me. Vegetable soups, whether they are made with fresh, frozen or canned veggies, are among the most popular of soups. The reasons are myriad: They make a great appetizer or a main courses. They are relatively quick to make and …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Czechoslovakian Cabbage Soup

Cold weather and comfort food go together like bacon and eggs, peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti and meatballs. That’s why it wasn’t surprising to me to see a billboard ad this morning touting all the soup you can eat from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on weekdays at a local restaurant. After all, what’s more comforting when the temperatures are below …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Meatball, Bean And Kale Soup

How often have you heard someone say about a particular food, “It’s an acquired taste”? If you cook with nutrition in mind or raise a diverse garden like me, I would bet it’s more often than not. That’s not an indictment of mine or your tastes, but if it is, I plead guilty. It’s more of an acknowledgment that we are on the right track …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Ham and Bean Soup

People who routinely bake a ham for a holiday meal usually don’t have any questions when it comes to leftovers. Ham or ham and cheese sandwiches are near the top of my list as well as a macaroni salad, the kind that might be served after a funeral. I also just like to nibble on a piece of ham as a …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Lentil Soup With Italian Sausage

Anyone who is familiar with farming and has hunted in northwestern North Dakota knows about lentils. Williams and Divide counties are among the top producers of the legumes in the country. I’ve been chasing pheasants in the area for years but yet have never done much cooking with lentils, which are among the most versatile and nutritious foods available. (Lentils are a powerhouse of nutrition. They are …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — West African Peanut Soup

Homemade soups are awfully hard to beat. And when eating out, there’s something soothing about knowing that a restaurant’s soup is made from scratch. Maybe the reason is that you are a soup maker yourself or your mom or dad was accomplished at that, too. Both are true in my case. I usually make a pot of soup at least three …

JUSTIN WELSH: Food Muse — Split Pea And Ham Soup

Some chefs have those “hanging out in the kitchen” moments with a grandparent or a mother. I did not. The style of food I grew up with was a budgeted one. The house bank account was structured that X amount of money went here or there, and that was that. So, when it came time for a purchase at the grocery …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Bean Soup with Pork Hocks

Anyone who has contemplated making bean soup for the first time and goes to the internet looking for a recipe will likely find one that suits his or her tastes. That’s because there’s hardly any limit to the number of bean soups that a cook can make. Perhaps the main reason is that beans come in all shapes, colors and sizes, and when you …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Kale And Chorizo Soup

The idea of throwing together a pot of hot soup during the summer months may not appeal to everyone. But anyone who’s undertaken such a venture knows that the rewards greatly outweigh the prospects of a heating up the kitchen when outside temperatures typically reach the 80s and 90s. That’s because there’s hardly any winter soup that can hold a candle to …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Pea Soup, Quebec-Style

I like hearty soups. They can be full of all kinds of vegetables ― and meat (or not), too. It doesn’t matter. Usually, no two soups of mine are alike, since I save all sorts of vegetable stock ― i.e. liquid from mashed potatoes or any vegetables that have been steamed, blanched, etc. ― as well as broth made from chicken, beef or wild game …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Cioppino

American Heart Month and Lent happen to coincide this year, and that’s good news for people who love fish. Fatty fish such as salmon, halibut, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines and albacore tuna are high in omega-3 fatty acids as is shrimp, which make them all good candidates for heart healthy foods as well as fodder for those meatless Fridays that many …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Chicken, Vegetable And Tortellini Soup

Just about every time you turn on a TV set these days, it isn’t very long before an advertisement pops up for some diet program or plan that promises weigh loss and touts certain types of food ― for a hefty price. I don’t often pay much attention to them. That’s because long ago I came to the conclusion that any advice given …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Chicken, Bean and Kale Soup

There’s no better reason to make a pot of soup than when you discover a new recipe that looks like a sure-fire winner. An even better one is when a winter storm is imminent. The newest recipe that I’ve added to my soup repertoire, Chicken, Bean and Spinach, comes from a Twitter contact, Coach Mindy (@mycoachmindy), who shares post after post of …

JUSTIN WELSH: Food Muse — Pasta e Fagioli

“When the stars make you drool just like pasta fazool, that’s amore.” I heard this Dean Martin lyric a little differently one day while preparing for a day at work. I asked myself “What is this dish he croons over?” After a little research, I stumbled upon a few recipes. My first reaction was not one of positive impression. My …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Turkey Vegetable Soup

Thanksgiving Day has come and gone. But don’t tell that to those who consider the leftovers from a big feast such as “Turkey Day” a mere extension of the holiday. Not only do you have plenty of meat, potatoes, stuffing and gravy in the refrigerator for a nice day-after meal or two, there is the traditional turkey soup. Making soup is what’s on my agenda today. I have a pot …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Southwestern Pheasant Soup

Undoubtedly, you’ve heard someone say “it tastes just like chicken” when they are describing some other kind of meat. Sometimes, it’s said in jest. But more often, people really mean it. Pheasant fits into the latter category. And in my opinion, the game bird tastes just as good chicken, maybe even better. I ought to know, since pheasant has been a staple in …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Vamaschka

Hand-me-down recipes are among the most treasured gifts our parents or grandparents can pass on to us. I’ve always had an affinity for them, no matter if they are mine or someone else’s. That is why I was intrigued when seeing Yvonne Wasvick-Kalka’s post on Facebook the other day. Yvonne, who teaches English and speech at Grand Forks Central and also coaches …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Kale And Sausage Soup

Kale has become pretty popular the past couple of years, no longer just a fad or something found strictly in vegan establishments. It’s making frequent appearance in many restaurants and is being found at more and dinner tables across America. In fact, in some circles, it enjoys celebrity status. And there is good reason. Not only is kale readily available and cheap, …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Once-Around-The-Kitchen Soup

There are a lot of ways a family can stretch its budget. That’s important these days when salaries aren’t keeping up with the cost of living increases, and benefits to lower income families are being tightened at every turn. For example, one can clip coupons or grab them online for deals at the grocery store. Coupons are like free money to be used …

CHEF JEFF: One Byte At A Time — Tortellini Vegetable Soup

Are you one of those people who finds it hard to resist making soup on a cold spring day? I am. And throwing together a pot of delicious vegetables with a little pasta is a great way to spend an early afternoon when the temperatures are on a slow descent to reach 50 and the wind is blowing a bit. …