
JIM FUGLIE: View From The Prairie — Sept. 11 Thoughts Revisited

This is a re-run of something I wrote a dozen years ago, Sept. 11, 2011. And now I’m going to forget what today’s date is and have a good day in the garden. Yes, it has been a long 10 years. On August 29, 2001, I sat beside my wife’s bed as she looked up at her doctor, exhausted, pale and …


RON SCHALOW: Sorry To Break This To You …

… but, our president lied to us on the very night of 9/11. On a sacred day in American history, George W. Bush decided that politics were more important than telling the truth, and this is where his re-election campaign started. Luckily, he wasn’t under oath. Here are his words, when the commander-in-chief uses his photographic imagination to recall the days …

RON SCHALOW: Did You Know This About 9/11? Part 1

Every year around 9/11, Facebook and other mediums are filled with flags and images from that tragic day and calls to “NEVER FORGET,” as is proper. The day should never be forgotten. Except, many people in this country, don’t know many of the details of that day, or choose to ignore them, so they don’t have much to forget. You …