
TOM DAVIES: The Verdict — But Did Justices Scalia And Burger Agree?

The National Rifle Association spokespeople like to use Justice Antonin Scalia as a supporter of the Second Amendment to the extent they claim you can’t place limits on gun ownership and use. The NRA is devoid of integrity. It espouses its “love for the right to own guns, any guns.” The moment POTUS 45 declared to the National Governors Association, …


TOM DAVIES: The Verdict — The Revolt Has Begun

When the current president of the United States calls someone a coward, he speaks as an expert on the subject. A coward is defined in a number of ways, each fitting him to a T. The dictionary says it’s a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things; one who is excessively afraid of danger …

TOM DAVIES: The Verdict — Sold! The Congress Of The United States

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt so absolutely convinced that the future of our country will be secure. The reason is our youth … the youth who have been maligned, criticized and bullied by the adult world as though there were no good kids left. I’ve always understood the kids were taking an unfair hit from the superwise …

MARTIN C. FREDRICKS IV: Four The Record — I Call BS, Too, And My Conscience Screams NO!

Please join me in saying NRA? No Way! and using #NRANoWay on social media. My Facebook friend, Steven G. Johnk, better known as Spider, created this graphic (on top of this blog). It’s right in line with what many of the survivors of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting are saying. Here are the comments of three Marjory Stoneman Douglas High …

TOM DAVIES: The Verdict — Proud Of Minnesota’s Senators … But Not So Much Of North Dakota’s

In light of recent events, I am extremely proud of Minnesota Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken. I cannot express strongly enough how disgusted and disappointed I am with North Dakota Sens. John Hoeven and Heidi Heitkamp. When it came time to vote on the filibuster issue, the only Democrat who opposed basic legislation was Heidi Heitkamp! At a time in …

TOM DAVIES: The Verdict — Guns, Garbage-Slinging And Hope For The Election

Every time I start to think that the politicians at the national level can do no more “stupid,” they pull another rabbit out of their hat full of “dumb.” I’d like to share examples of this from both political parties, but it’s the Republicans who just can’t leave well enough alone. Each day, they make the Democrats in Congress and …

NANCY EDMONDS HANSON: After Thought — Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

As the shots rang out just after noon last week, I was in a college classroom with my writing students, discussing the art of the interview. Some few might have wondered from time to time whether they’d survive Media Writing 210, but none of us had ever, ever doubted that we’d live past Thursday. Ten people died, including the teacher, …