
RON SCHALOW: Trump Love Makes Armstrong Stupid

On Wednesday, North Dakota Congressman Kelly Armstrong (Cult45 —Bastiat Chapter) found his inner Kevin Cramer and spat out this chewed up olive pit: “We have the alleged victim of quid pro quo, bribery, extortion — whatever we’re dealing with now today — repeatedly and adamantly shouting from the rooftops that he never felt pressure, that he was not the victim …


JIM FUGLIE: View From The Prairie — Great War Witnesses Startling Birth Of New Deities

This story in our World War I Centennial series is written by Joseph T. Stuart, Ph.D., who is associate professor of history at the University of Mary in Bismarck. By Joseph T. Stuart It desecularized the state and, instead of religion, made politics the highest expression of human values. The mobilization of entire societies during the Great War dramatically increased expectations …

KEVIN GRINDE: Rhythm Of The Trail — Trump By Any Other Name

And so the Illegitimate One has taken the oath and in so doing has vomited even more lies with the world as a witness. Meanwhile, “Hairman Mao’s” Cabinet of criminals awaits approval from his fellow congressional conspirators. Never has a man so unpopular and so divisive taken the oath of office as the president of the U.S.A. As the world …

PAULA MEHMEL — Shoot The Rapids: Hate Crimes And Terror Seek To Divide; Don’t Let It

I am a Lutheran, an ELCA Lutheran. I am an ELCA Lutheran of German heritage.  I am also a first-generation American. My father immigrated to the United States from Canada, where German was his mother tongue, raised by parents who emigrated from Germany.  My grandfather fought in the Boxer Rebellion for the Kaiser. Dylan Klebold, one of the two shooters …