
JACKIE QUALLEY BRODSHAUG — View From The Valley: Side Benefit of Introspection — A Memoir

“Formatting complete. Sample interior pages to follow.” The email was concise and promises a finale to my literary adventure in writing a memoir. It all started while visiting daughter, Beth, and reviewing her father-in-law’s memoir about his life in Denmark as a child during the Nazi occupation during World War II, subsequent immigration to America and settling as a farmer …


JACKIE QUALLEY BRODSHAUG — View From The Valley: An Open Letter To Sen. Bernie Sanders

Welcome to Fargo! I’m delighted you’re coming to visit. I have closely followed your campaign and applaud your concern for the “folks,” as those of us with Norse ancestry call the middle class. I congratulate you for inspiring so many young people to get involved and continuing your campaign across this country, even to North Dakota. But do you remember …