
PAULA MEHMEL: Shoot The Rapids — God Help Us

I don’t want to get out of bed this morning. I wanna pull the covers over my head and pretend like this dystopian nightmare does not exist. I don’t want to hear the latest news that tears down yet another brick as democracy collapses around me.

But that isn’t an option. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is evil.” Lives, livelihoods and freedom are at stake as an unelected billionaire is halting aid to the poorest countries in the world, accusing Lutherans of being money launderers for social service activities, and illegally stopping the life-giving work that Lutheran Social Services provide throughout the country.

The FBI is being purged of people for simply doing their job and if that succeeds, a comparison to the Gestapo would not be inappropriate, especially with a potential leader, whose desire is to continue the purge.

Our cybersecurity has been compromised, and all of our personal data is at risk, in the hands of five 19- 22-year-old minions of the most dangerous person in the world. Our national security and personal security is in grave danger.

This is a house on fire moment because the house is on fire.

I don’t know how I’m going to take four more years of it, but I do know that today, while I still can, I am going to make phone calls. I beg of you, any friends who live in red state, don’t write but call both the local office and  Washington office of your senators and representatives. Tell them you are concerned about the purge at the FBI, the compromise to our cybersecurity because of Elon Musk and the unlawful cuts to the safety net that have already been approved.

And try to engage in conversations with people you know who did not vote for higher prices and decreased security and utter chaos. Because getting people on board to acknowledge that while we may disagree about ideology, we can agree that what’s happening is terrifying. That shift is vital to change the minds of politicians. I sincerely doubt that this is what most people who voted for this administration had in mind.

Doing something is better than doing nothing. And right now, if that’s all we can do, we must do it. Don’t quit fighting, speaking up or showing up. Yes, it is worse than I think any of us ever imagined. But we are in this together and as long as we are not frozen into submission, we still have time to change the hearts and minds of a few, which is what we so desperately need.

And do it all with prayer. I’m praying Psalm 94 a lot lately. And holding onto the fact that God is not mocked. You reap what you sow, so do not weary in sowing good.

Now I just have to get out of bed and just do it.

3 thoughts on “PAULA MEHMEL: Shoot The Rapids — God Help Us”

  • naturelover55 February 3, 2025 at 8:29 pm

    Well said. Thank you.

  • Paula Mehmel February 4, 2025 at 6:02 pm

    Thank you!

  • Kevin Wymore February 12, 2025 at 6:23 pm

    May I remind readers that Al Gore led a government efficiency initiative when he was VP under President Clinton? Democrats both. The Republic survived, and I’m certain that the public interest is served for governmental bloat to be pared back periodically. I recently witnessed an online soul-searching when emoting occurred over the extent to which National Public Radio could or would survive in a “defunded” world. Millions love NPR, and it would rock nobody’s world for NPR users to pay for NPR. Blessings to all, and thank you for allowing a gentle dissent.


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