
JIM FUGLIE: View From The Prairie — The Winter Of Our Discontent

I’ve been away. It’s been nearly two months since I took a punch to the gut, the likes of which I have never experienced. I lost a brother in the COVID pandemic. He was younger, just 66. Unknown to his family or friends, he suffered from severe depression, which engulfed him during the isolation of the last year, taking him …


TOM DAVIES: The Verdict — In Wake Of Officer’s Suicide, Chief Was Judged Unfairly

This is another story I had never planned on writing. Once again, I had a rough draft on another story — and then the following happened: I was at Fargo North High School for some events involving my grandchildren. While walking the halls, I saw the familiar face of a friend. He was always a good-looking young man, and as he …

Bev Benda: My Coach Bev — Looking For Lucy’s 5 Cent Psych Booth

After watching “A Charlie Brown Christmas” for the umpteenth time (yes, I have my Christmas rituals), I had the urge to join Charlie Brown and visit Lucy’s Psychiatric Booth for some advice. After all, her advice was quite sound. At the start of the movie, Charlie Brown was feeling down as the holidays approached, much like 45 percent of the population at this time of year. He told …