
DAVE VORLAND: It Occurs To Me — The Sense Of An Ending

I’ve read a several books by the English author Julian Barnes, including “Through the Window: SEVENTEEN ESSAYS AND A SHORT STORY.”

The short story is about a Brit professor frustrated with his immature students as he discusses Ernest Hemingway’s “Homage to Switzerland.”

My favorite passage:

“He talked of Hemingway’s humor, which was much overlooked. And, of how, alongside what might appear to be boastfulness, there was often a surprising modesty and insecurity. Indeed, this was perhaps the key, the most important thing about the writer. People thought he was obsessed with male courage, with machismo and cojones. They didn’t see that often his real subject was failure and weakness.”

“The great writers,” he told them, “understand weakness.”

But the students, victims of the stereotypes about Hemingway, could not grasp his point.

Somehow I’ve misplaced my copy of Barnes’ most celebrated book, “The Sense of an Ending,” which won the Man Booker Prize in 2011.

It’s now been made into a movie that Dorette and I will see Wednesday at the Lagoon Cinema in Minneapolis.

Generally I prefer to read, or in this case reread, the book upon which a movie is based. So I ordered a replacement copy from Amazon. It arrived in Monday’s mail.

But since I’m no longer capable of staying up all night reading, this time seeing the movie will have to come first.

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